Saturday, August 27, 2016

happy and sad

This rose is the best visual representation I can find for me right now...
Credit is mine for this beauty :) 

On one side I am tattered, broken, dying and crying (see the little rain drop :) )

On the other I am "perfect, happy and energetic"

In the middle a new me is emerging, a me with both sides- happy and broken. But new, full of life and color... the hard part is just waiting for that me to emerge... which takes time, patience and lots of self care.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

learning to ride a bike

as cheesy as it sounds recovery is like riding a first have to learn how to ride it before you can enjoy it.

We all start out on these lovely tricycles.  We focus on learning how to steer and how to peddle. 
Finding our focus point and then having the ability to go that way is key. 

Right now my focus point is loving myself...I am trying to get to a place where I can just love myself.  But I am not strong enough and sometimes I peddle so hard and so fast and give it all my might that...

I fall.

 It hurts, but it is more discouraging than actual pain.  You see, I am already close to the ground. I haven't put myself out there yet. I am still playing it safe, not getting my hopes up and not so sure that I am actually able to do this.

But with encouragement I get back on again and I try and try again.

Once I am fairly comfortable with my ability to steer and endure I take on the next challenge.


Balance is hands down the hardest part to learn. You know why? because that comes from within you.  You can find direction and you can find help to keep going on but finding your own balance is the hardest part. Only you can find your own personal balance, only you can know what is right for you.

My balance is in need of lots of work...I tend to swing from one extreme to another and exhausted from the all the effort.

while you work on finding that balance we upgrade to a big girl bike with training wheels. 

We are confident, we mastered the tricycle, this can't be that hard. Plus we laid down some rules, must have a basket, pink streamers and a princess helmet with the crown firmly in place.

but we find ourselves falling again. It hurts more than it did the last time. We are up higher, we thought we had this- I thought I could soar.  But I haven't practiced enough I fall.
I keep falling, over and over again.

Sometimes I sit there and cry. I look at my cuts and bruises and scream how it isn't fair.

sometimes the drama queen in me comes out and I just lay there waiting for someone to rescue me, for someone to fix it all.

But eventually I get back up and I try again.  This time, I found a friend.  A friend who has been doing this whole thing longer than I have... she gently helps me steer my bike and is there with me while I build up the courage to do this again.  She understands how scary this is, she has been there. She is still learning in a way herself.

A word of caution though: when you start looking for friends and support, be careful. Some people might think they know what is best for you, they want to take charge and show you how to ride your bike.

This is your own personal bike though, your purple bike with pink streamers and a basket. No one can tell you how to ride it.

The next step is another step of growth...

you ditch the training wheels.

your falls have happened less often and your time to cry has shortened. You are learning to bounce back faster.

so you proceed with cautious excitement.

Even though you are getting better at finding the right balance in life (exercise, sleep, scripture study, parenting, family time, you time, service and a million other things that you want to do in this life) you are getting better at keeping your goal in sight, you still remember what it feels like to fall.

After you have biked for awhile with no recent falls, you know you can do this.

You are fall proof!

yay! we did it!!

but then... life happens...and then you have to learn how to ride your bike...

in the rain.  You see, while your focus has been on finding balance, focus and strength... life for everyone else has moved on.

The rain can be different things for different people... job loss, death in the family, injury, illness or even having friends turn their back on you. Rain is sorrow on top of all the scary and hard work you are doing.  Whatever your rain might be... you are stuck with it.

My rain right now is the loss of a dream, I had this idea of what I wanted my family to look like, how many kids I would have and what life growing up would look like for those amazing children. Well, I only have one child here on earth, I didn't grow up a single child. I have no clue how to relate to her, I don't know what she will need. How much time from me is needed and how much play time on her own is needed for her to grow up happy. I hope one day to add to my family but for now I have to learn how to raise an only child. It feels like a torrential downpour.

I have to keep going.

When it starts to rain, its a good time to ask for help.

When you try doing it by yourself this usually happens...

You simply are not experienced enough to handle rain and biking at the same time.

Eventually you get to the point where you get yourself a poncho, some form of safety that brings you peace and comfort during the rain.

That poncho can be just as different for people as the rain they are facing.  I like to think that the poncho is a gift from God. His tender mercy to bring me some form of comfort in my time of need.

Now don't go thinking this is all rain and sadness... with this bike I have learned to ride I can find happiness.  I wouldn't have found the happiness without going through the hard work.

I can see places I haven't seen yet, I have a different view now.

I can even have fun now!  no more cautious excitement, this is true joy and happiness.

but then.. before I can stop it from happening I see myself falling again, I can sense and see it but I can't do anything about it.

So I take a break from biking.


This bike that brought me so much pain before did it again.  I just need some time away from it. to ignore it... recovery work is hard and when you fall it feels impossible to keep up.

So bring on the ice cream and netflix.

but remember that friend helped before, she is still there. And I have even more friends now... so after I am done pouting and being lazy.
they help me get back on my bike again.

These friends who keep encouraging you and helping you to be your best self are the best friends to have around.

Together you make a pretty rockin' bikers gang.

So we get back on that path and we keep riding.

No matter the weather we keep going.

and that rain that keeps coming...

Well it turns out when you have the right support it is even easier to keep riding in.

Sometimes its hard to want to keep going

but people are cheering you on, don't give up.

because eventually you find that happy place, that place of peace that only your bike can get you to...

but it doesn't stop there. If you keep riding your bike, you keep taking the chance and risking the fall you will eventually become this awesome grandma...

So even though it is hard to get up every day and hop on that bike again. Keep going, keep trying. You can do this. You are awesome.
It is hurts when you fall, but with every fall you learn how to avoid that pothole. You learn how to better control your recovery and life.  You continue to find tune that balance that makes soaring possible.

plus... once you learn how to ride a bike. You never ever forget.

p.s. in case you think recovery can work like this

it can't. No man can fix you and make it all better. You are the one who has to learn how to find that balance otherwise you keep falling...

*unless noted on the picture all images are off of google with no credit attached...

Tuesday, August 2, 2016


noun: intention; plural noun: intentions
  1. 1.
    a thing intended; an aim or plan.
    "she was full of good intentions"
    • the action or fact of intending.
      "intention is just one of the factors that will be considered"
      synonyms:intentintentionality, deliberateness, designcalculationmeaning
    • a person's designs, especially a man's, in respect to marriage.
      plural noun: someone's intentions; plural noun: one's intentions
      "if his intentions aren't honorable, I never want to see him again"

my favorite way to use the word intention growing up was describing what my future husband would do..."he will write me a letter with his intentions regarding me before I accept a date. We shall court properly" my sisters and I would go on and on about the benefits of such a proper courtship. It was the most romantic thing in my opinion, to have a man be so bold to share his intentions regarding you.  No tricking or talking someone into liking you. Just plain, simple and upfront, I want to date with the intention of getting married.

Well obviously that didn't happen for me, my hubby was to ashamed of himself to share with me who he truly was. There was no letter, there was no thoughtful notes or poems (I am a huge Jane Austen fan and I would literally die from happiness if a guy I was dating wrote me a poem!) no thought at all actually. We had a handful of actual planned dates and then we spent so much time hanging out that we became good friends and he proposed an hour after he took me ring shopping to see what I like.  Looking back on our "courtship" and wedding I want to cry. It was nothing like the 15 year old romantic in me wanted, there was no planned out proposal, no photographer hiding around to capture the moment, we used my camera in a not so discreet way. I saw the proposal coming about a thousand miles away.  I look back at how I felt about that and I did feel let down... but my boy friend was proposing to me so I should be happy! I stuffed the feelings of disappointment and put on my happy face.

His intentions were to marry me, but he didn't intend to ever disclose to me who he truly was. His dark ugly sides, he kept that to himself.  How can I love someone for who they are if I don't know them?

fast forward to having a baby. Hubby was working and going to school at the same time. Our baby had colic and I would be up until 7-8am rocking our baby and standing up with our baby because sitting down wasn't working the way standing up was. I know tons of moms deal with this and I wasn't the only one but I never felt so exhausted, so drained and so close to breaking.   I know I didn't stay awake on my account, I know it wasn't my strength that kept me going through all of those sleepless nights. It was God. He strengthened me, I can see that now and I am grateful for that.

Because my husband was so hard working he would sleep a couple of hours before going to work and I would stay up with our child. I always stayed up with her. I sacrificed for him because he was sacrificing for me and that is what powerhouse couples do.

During his official disclosure to me he brought up that when we lived there he would access porn on a phone we used for alarms.  I put that to the timeline and asked him... "so you watched porn while I stayed up with our child so you could sleep??? I NEEDED that sleep! how dare you do that to me!! That time of being up all night is what put me on the path to not getting my body back, I had to eat sugar to stay awake. You spent that time looking at hot women and all the while you forced me down that path of sheer exhaustion and desperation.  I could have been "hot" again, but you couldn't support me and wait. You are so selfish."
he just took it all... he said sorry... it didn't fix it.  His intentions were to have a lust fix no matter the cost to him and no matter the cost to those around him.  He left me to struggle on my own, I still am not over this one. That form of betrayal hurts more than the physical betrayal. He left me stranded, I was alone, so very alone and all he could do was think of himself.

His intentions with talking to women at work have not been pure, he wants there attention.  His intentions with telling me certain stories and talking bad about certain women was to throw me off the fact that he actually really liked those women and he was flirting with them and fantasizing about them while masturbating.  His intention was to deceive me.... again and again.  No matter the cost of the deception all that really mattered to him was himself. keeping his addiction secret and taking care of only himself.    He got really good at manipulating and I got really good at doubting myself and we became the fake perfect couple. Everything was fine, neither one of us really talked to the other. I still tried but ultimately when ever I confided in him he would use whatever I told him to his advantage.

Intentions speak a lot about our heart. That is where they are found (not literally haha)

1 Samuel 16:7 But the Lord said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart.

all I saw were his actions, he sacrificed himself for us, he worked so hard for us, he was exhausted because of us.  I didn't and couldn't see his intentions.  I wasn't able to see how much of his exhaustion was self-inflicted, how his struggles were self inflicted.

The word intention has a negative connotation for me. It has for the last couple of months as I have slowly seen what my husbands intentions have been.

Recently in sunday school I realized the word intention can be used to describe goodness too. I get so caught up on bad about it I forget how it can be so good too!
I watched a class on journal writing and I don't know if they talked about it or if it was the Spirit but the impression I was left with was I need to live an intentional life. Life will be so hard without purpose! But I struggled to find what my intention was... to be the best mother? to be kind to everyone? to forgive everyone? what is my intention in this life?

So sunday we are reading in Alma 37- back story, Alma is counseling his son Helaman-

 Alma 37:35 O, remember, my son, and learn wisdom in thy youth; yea, learn in thy youth to keep the commandments of God.
 36 Yea, and cry unto God for all thy support; yea, let all thy doings be unto the Lord, and whithersoever thou goest let it be in the Lord; yea, let all thy thoughts be directed unto the Lord; yea, let the affections of thy heart be placed upon the Lord forever.
 37 Counsel with the Lord in all thy doings, and he will direct thee for good; yea, when thou liest down at night lie down unto the Lord, that he may watch over you in your sleep; and when thou risest in the morning let thy heart be full of thanks unto God; and if ye do these things, ye shall be lifted up at the last day.
It hit me so hard and the Spirit testified to me that I don't need to come up with some great purpose in my life, God has one for me. One that is better than anything I could ever dream up... I need to live my life with the intention to do Gods will. His will! so simple yet so hard. 
A friend just shared this song and I love it! Thy will be done... saying those words and meaning them is the greatest gift we can give God. For all He has done for us, the least we can do is trust in Him. 
So my intention with this life is to do God's will. If my children and grand children can look back and say that I was an example of doing God's will I will be content and happy with my life.  Having a fancy degree and making a huge difference in the world would be good and I would feel accomplished but I know true happiness will be found in doing God's will and trusting in Him. And that is the intention and legacy I want to leave in this life.